Everything Structural
Dan's best angle
Partner, mechanic and all round good guy Dan Stewart doing what he does best. We own and service all of our own vehicles and equipment as a way of keeping costs down which means homeowners pay less for foundation repair.
Thanks, Rex from Wash park
Wish more people took the time to hand write Thank you notes again. Don’t you?
Buy Local and Independent
Go ahead, call the big franchise contractors in town. Sit through the sales demonstration and then do yourself a favor; call a local, independent contractor like Colorado Structural Repair for a no-fuss structural inspection. We'll give you the straight talk and a fixed price (that doesn't get better if you sign up today) without the monkey business. Rest assured your money stays in the local Colorado economy, which makes this a better place for all of us!
Excavating for wall repair
Getting ready to pour a sister wall and install wall anchors. Engineering by Coyle Inspection Engineers (http://www.coyle-inspect.com/)
Failing wall? Helical tie backs, wall anchors, braces, carbon fiber, manta-rays or counter-forts?
There is much debate when it comes to wall repair methods. The standard answer we give our clients is; go with what your engineer recommends. That being said, people ask us everyday the pros and cons of each product, so I'll try and give a recap here……
Another day, another failing retaining wall
1. Is there adequate drainage? If water flows down the hill, will it move away (or past) the wall or will it pool above the wall?
2. Is there a drain installed at the base of the wall? If a large amount of earth is being held back and the wall is tall, chances are you’re building a dam unless you have a drain along the footing.